Our adult ministries reflect our church's values.
There is always something going on at Parkview to bring people together!
Small Groups
It's all about building relationships and taking next steps in your journey toward Christ. God never intended for us to live life alone, He created us for community. We would love to help you find a place to connect!
For more information click here.
Men's Ministries
The men at Parkview have activities throughout the year, see the events calendar for special events.
Prime Time
On the second Thursday every month (except December, January and February), our own group of Prime-timers host a group from the Brown County Health and Living Center. If you are a senior adult we would love for you to join us for fellowship and a homemade, delicious lunch!

Parkview Quilters
On the second Tuesday of every month from 10:00-2:00, a group of women get together to make baby quilts to be given both locally and taken around the world by missionaries. They have a lot of fun!
Bring a sack lunch if you plan to join them.
Other Ways to Connect
We love to serve the children of our community by involving the entire congregation in our incredible Bible School program! We are the county drop off location for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. We have a community Trunk R Treat in our parking lot for Halloween, and host Red Cross community blood drives five times a year. Check out our calendar for all of upcoming events!